Howdy my name is Isabel Cantu; on February 2005, I became the Program Coordinator for the Polymer Technology Center, which is under the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University. I am a retiree of the City of Bryan, where I worked at Bryan Texas Utilities in the Electrical Engineering and Transmission Department for over 22 years.
I have been married to Omar Cantu for 29yrs. We have 2 children, Veronica Cantu 20/yrs old who is presently attending Blinn College and majors in Education and plans on transferring to Texas A&M University in the near future; and Omar Cantu Jr. 10 yrs old who keeps us very active in the baseball little league, boys scouts and Karate. We presently reside in Bryan. My husband Omar Cantu works with the State of Texas in the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) as an agent. He has been a peace officer for 29 years. |